FIRST_VALUE:-New function in sql server denali


A new function SQL Server Denali to return first value from ordered set

    OVER ( < partition_by_clause > order_by_clause < rows_range_clause > )

Lead:-New function in sql server denali


We can get value from next subsequent row with given offset value without using a self join or CTE
We can use this function to compare  value with other row in the Table for analysis purpose

choose :- New function in sql server denali


Retruns value at specified index from list of values

IIF :- New function in sql server denali

We all are aware of IIF, but its not available in previous version of SQL Server
Now its available in  Denali.

Concat :- New function in sql server denali

SQL Server Denali has many new programming function
We will look at it one by one


Returns a string that is concaconcatenating  of two or more string values

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