How to delete job history - sp_purge_jobhistory

We can use this procedure to delete old history for jobs.

[ @job_name
or [ @job_id ,
We can specify either job_name or job_id but not both.

We can get job_id from msdb.dbo.sysjobs table . job_id is uniqueidentifier.

If we specify @oldest_date then it deletes all his troy before this date else it will delete all job history.


  • To delete all history for a specific job

    USE msdb ;

    EXEC dbo.sp_purge_jobhistory
    @job_name = N'Test job' ;
  • To delete history for a specific job upto specific date

    USE msdb ;

    EXEC dbo.sp_purge_jobhistory
    @job_name = N'Test job' ,
    @oldest_date = '2008-10-01'

  • To delete history for all jobs

    EXEC dbo.sp_purge_jobhistory

    Anonymous said...

    Thanks for that just what I was looking for today. Studio has decided to choke when trying to clear a job history

    Anonymous said...

    You can build a dynamic script which then can be executed from w Windows schedule using "sqlcmd":

    SELECT 'use msdb' + char(13) + char(10) +
    'EXEC dbo.sp_purge_jobhistory @job_name = N' + '''' + name + '''' + char(13) + char(10) +
    ', @oldest_date = ' + '''' + convert(varchar, DATEADD(dd, -16, GETDATE())) + ''''
    FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs_view
    where name like 'Backup%'

    Save it in an .SQL script, then run:
    sqlcmd /h-1 -i "D:\DBA Scripts\gen_clr_job_hist.sql" -o "D:\DBA Scripts\gen_clr_job_hist.lst"

    then execute:
    D:\DBA Scripts>sqlcmd -i "D:\DBA Scripts\gen_clr_job_hist.lst"
    Changed database context to 'msdb'.
    0 history entries purged.
    Changed database context to 'msdb'.
    2 history entries purged.
    Changed database context to 'msdb'.
    0 history entries purged.

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